
By jonathan, 31 March, 2023

CannaCraft’s focus on being a part of the solution is in everything we do. Our work generates positive impact for communities needing support in the areas of social justice, democracy, nutritional health and wellness.

In 2020, CannaCraft coined #CannabisforChange with the specific purpose of inspiring cannabis consumers to join us. Their purchase of Farmer and the Felon products creates a dedicated revenue source for our cause-related efforts. CannaCraft sets aside 1% of net wholesale sales from Farmer and the Felon for donations and/or sponsorships that positively impact causes we support, including a range of nonprofits and fellow philanthropically-minded organizations. 

We invite you to explore our 2020 giving program here in more detail -- CSR End of Year Summary.

Have a program you would like to see CannaCraft support? Email

Our CSR Initiatives and Partnerships

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Conscious alliance
Conscious Alliance

Most recently - through our award winning edible brand Satori - we have partnered with the nationally recognized non profit Conscious Alliance.

Conscious Alliance is a movement of artists, musicians, food makers, and music lovers on a mission to end hunger in vulnerable communities nationwide. Through 'Art That Feeds' Food Drives at concerts, and large-scale donations from food brands, Conscious Alliance brings healthy food to communities across the U.S., with an emphasis on remote and rural areas, including Native American reservations. Their alliance empowers people to make a tangible difference in the lives of kids and their families in need. In 2020 our donation provided 10,000 meals.

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Last Prisoner Project

CannaCraft is a founding sponsor of the Last Prisoner Project dating back to the fall of 2019. Our Co-Founder Dennis Hunter is an active member of the LPP Advisory Board. In March of 2020 CannaCraft launched Farmer & The Farmer - our first CSR driven brand - with Last Prisoner Project as our designated non-profit organization. By the end of 2020 CannaCraft will have donated $70,000 to LPP. In addition to financial donations, CannaCraft raises awareness in support of their programs and activities.

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Food For Thought

We address food insecurity locally and nationally. 

Beginning in 2019 we sponsored a local food bank - Food For Thought. Their journey started in the mid 1980’s with a mission to serve Sonoma Counties residents as they battled HIV/AIDS. CannaCraft recognizes that our mission grew out of a need for medicinal cannabis for many of the same patients. Just as CannaCraft’s mission has evolved over the years so has that of the Food For Thought Food Bank which now provides healing nutrition and compassion to more than 1000 people living with serious illnesses in Sonoma County. In 2020 CannaCraft manufactured and supplied hand sanitizer for FFTFB delivery drivers in an effort to help keep our community safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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North Bay Cancer Alliance

CannaCraft’s wellness brand Care By Design relaunched in October 2020 and in recognition of Breast Cancer awareness month, wanted to renew our giving to the North Bay Cancer Alliance. NBCA is an independent community resource, not affiliated with any hospital or medical group, which provides a direct path to local cancer resources and information as well as financial support for cancer patients who cannot afford to pay. North Bay Cancer Alliance supports not just cancer patients, but their families, friends and caregivers.​

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DAO logo
Daily Acts

Daily Acts is a Sonoma County based holistic education nonprofit that takes a heart-centered approach to inspiring transformative actions that create connected, equitable, and climate resilient communities.  They represent the belief that the power of our daily actions can reconnect people to self, community, and place, which helps to heal our society and planet. The Daily Acts vision is to create healthy, just and sustainable communities built upon the daily actions of many people.

CannaCraft has been a multi-year sponsor of Daily Acts. To learn more about this unique and inspiring organization please visit their website.

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Resynergi logo

Building on our successful effort of reducing plastic waste by certifying our vape carts inherently child resistant, CannaCraft turned its attention to reclaiming child resistant regulated plastics. 

In 2019, we began work with Resynergi, by reclaiming plastic for conversion into fuel from large scale cannabis events and our own facility. This R&D took place at Resynergi's Sonoma County based facility.

It is our aspirational intention to someday run our fleet of delivery vehicles on fuel from reclaimed cannabis packaging.

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Council on Aging Services for Seniors

Council on Aging Services for Seniors is a private 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which has been providing services for Sonoma County citizens over the age of 60 since 1966. CannaCraft was a proud sponsor of COA Wine Country Games in 2019 (2020 event postponed due to Covid-19) and has provided educational information about Cannabis use to their community. In 2020 CannaCraft manufactured and supplied hand sanitizer for COA’s Meals on Wheels delivery drivers in an effort to help keep our community safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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One Step Closer logo
One Step Closer

One Step Closer is a network of purpose-driven, values-aligned CEOs within the natural products industry. They gather to address the most critical sustainability issues affecting our industries, our people and the planet. Through collective action and mutual support they not only impact their individual businesses and member communities but also build inclusive, action-oriented movements that promote system-level change through industry-wide collaboratives.

CannaCraft Co-Founder Ned Fussell is a member of One Step Closer and is a founding member of the new established Cannabis Chapter for mission-aligned, founders and CEOs in cannabis. 

Together, the Cannabis Chapter works through tough business and industry challenges by way of action-oriented meetings, purposeful collaboration and meaningful connection. Currently they work with nearly 30 mission-aligned leaders in cannabis, up and down the supply chain, including, farmers, ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, certifiers, and retailers. The organization is centered around the theory that change in the financial strength and resilience of the Cannabis industry, it’s people, and the world that holds them, will be realized  when we can foster community engagement, employee welfare, and responsible farming practices.

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Cannabis Voter Project Logo
Cannabis Voter Project

CVP informs, registers and turns out voters who are interested in cannabis policy. Launched by civic engagement organization in 2018, the Cannabis Voter Project believes it’s important for the cannabis community to be an active and informed voting bloc.

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