Seed to Shelf

By yhau1989, 10 March, 2017

Seed-to-shelf is the idea of engaging in the entire production process to create the best medical cannabis products. From a sprouting seedling to a sale at a dispensary, we’re involved completely, from cultivation, extraction, laboratory testing, and sales. We have always embraced this process to provide transparent accountability of every facet of the process, inspire trust in our efforts, and as our commitment to our patients. 

The best coffee, chocolate, beer, and winemakers already utilize whole process production systems to create their products. Cannabis is no exception to this, though it’s rare to find. In order to produce the most effective cannabis medicine, using a complete and unified system is the most effective, transparent, and trustworthy way to achieve this. Firmly believing in this, we have always embraced this process to provide accountability of every facet of the process, and as our commitment to our patients. We call it “seed to shelf.”

Plant a Seed

Our line of products all begin with the plant itself. We grow a full spectrum of strains from seed and clone. They are selected specifically for their unique components that have been scientifically demonstrated to hold therapeutic benefits. To further instill confidence in our plant selections, our cannabis strains are submitted to rigorous plant science testing, such as genomic mapping, to reassure our patients that only the finest, most robust plants are used in their medicine.

Our Hands In The Soil

The vitality of a plant is directly connected to the vitality of the soil. Comprised of only organic matter, teaming with life, constantly regenerating itself, and inspiring disease and pest resistance, perfectly balanced soil is essential. The results are plants with the highest potency and therapeutic effect. 


Using organic and sustainable growing techniques, our cultivation team is comprised of master gardeners, botanists, and horticulturists all with decades of experience. All of our cannabis is sun-grown in solar-powered greenhouses. Our horticultural practices ensure the most responsible use practices for water management and conform to the most stringent environmental protection standards. The entire cultivation process is documented and tracked to ensure that only the best cannabis is going into your medicine. 

Extraction and Formulation

We create our oils utilizing CO2 extraction, a safe and non-volatile extraction method. We also extract our own oils in-house, using our own customized machinery. Our extraction specialists excel in cannabinoid and terpene preservation, making our oils some of the most flavorful and effective available. Formulation is done by accredited scientists who have been trained by some of the world’s renown medical scientists using our state of the art laboratory and cleanrooms. This guarantees rigorous consistency in the quality of active ingredients. This is where we define the industry standard. 

The Proof is in Laboratory Testing

Where we set ourselves apart from the rest of the industry is in our laboratory testing. Sourcing cannabis strains, cultivating them to the best standards, extracting and formulating into medicine all come together in our PFC-Certified testing laboratory where we demonstrate the potency and safety of our medicine. The means that when patients use our products, they know that it’s free of contaminants and exactly what’s in it. 

There are more choices than ever when it comes to choosing cannabis, and choosing the most effective and safe medicine can appear to be a daunting task. We hear your concerns, and our seed-to-shelf process is designed to assure patients that we are involved in every step of the way, empowering them with the knowledge that they are making the best decision for their health and well being. This is seed-to-shelf in action.

Background image
Photo of a field of cannabis