
By avelazquez, 22 March, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a robust immune system is more important than ever. As we step into 2024, embracing innovative and effective ways to bolster your immunity is crucial for health and wellness.

By jonathan, 14 March, 2022
If you’re anything like us, you haven’t had a break in a long time, and you’re well overdue for a self-care day.  Because we live in a society overwhelmed by hustle culture, we forget to take time to check in with our bodies.
By jonathan, 12 October, 2021
Yin yoga is about being able to relax into the pose without pushing yourself past your body’s edge.
By jonathan, 4 October, 2021

This week we will be incorporating the Focus Effect with a strong and invigorating vinyasa practice. Vinyasa translates to “to place (the body) in a special way,” but the poses aren’t stagnant. They intelligently transition and flow to create balance and harmony within the practitioner. The poses are also linked to the breath, and this creates the mind-body connection. Vinyasa is paced faster than all the previous practices, but once you have these 10 steps down, you will feel stronger and more connected to yourself.

By jonathan, 16 September, 2021

This week we are pairing the Care by Design effect “Rest gummies'' with a restorative yoga practice. This practice is unique because rather than flowing through many different poses and heating up our bodies in a more active practice, we passively hold poses for a longer duration in order to shift and retrain the body to shift from the sympathetic to the parasympathic nervous system.

By jonathan, 9 September, 2021

The new Effects line from Care by Design has inspired me to create complimentary yoga sessions! Yoga also has many different forms and depending on your needs, there is a practice that is right for you. From an energetic and heating practice like Vinyasa and Ashtanga to slow and gentle classes such as yin and restorative, yoga fits every body. So, this month, I will bring you four  different styles of yoga that can be paired perfectly to each specific Care By Design Effects formula to help you feel amazing during and after the session.

By jonathan, 6 May, 2021
Pandemics are stressful. 10% of Americans have been infected with the coronavirus in the U.S. Even if you or a loved one hasn’t gotten sick, it has affected you.
By jonathan, 23 March, 2021
Who doesn’t love a good massage? Anyone can appreciate the relaxing power of touch, working out the kinks in sore muscles and releasing tight spots in problem areas like the neck, shoulders, and lower back, where so much tension is stored.
By jonathan, 16 March, 2021

by Kyuri Lin

Traditionally, the yoga asana-s (postures) are practiced on a mat with a teacher guiding the practice.  As my personal practice grew, I realized that yoga can be incorporated into many different aspects of my life. The practice that happens off the mat has transformed me in so many ways. I practice breathing when I drive to quell road rage, pause and stretch during hikes to reduce joint pain and practice around incredible scenery while taking in all the magic that happens in the great outdoors.